Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Almost Spring

    It's funny but there has been waves of warm weather. My brother was even wearing shorts the other day when we went out for a visit. Then I wake up this morning and there are heavy flakes of snow falling. You can still see green grass in patches and the daffodils are only slightly slumped, but it was kind of a fun way to wake up.

    This past week I finished my largest machine painting yet in the T-Rex and then I added another to the Bear and Whale series. Here are some photos of both.

Hopefully my hand can give a sense of the scale here. He's a big fella.
First pass at the bear on the board.
First layer for the Right Whale.

Its kind of hard to see here, but I think that the barnacles might be my favorite part. Very subtle, but also very important. I also love the nonchalant way that the bear stares right out at you.

Thank you for looking.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

T is for Triceratops

Last week I was a first grade teacher. It was nice because I was with the same class for the whole week. We had a lot of fun... and they learned something in the process. Here is the post I should have made last week. My triceratops.

 Original sketch. Now if I can only color inside the lines.
 Sketch detail.
 I knew orange would be his color before I started.
 Some blue highlights.
 Preliminary shading.
 More shading...
 Shading nearly done, almost ready for glasswork.
Finished piece. Glass painted and then the light hint of tubes on the other side of the glass.

Thank you for looking.